Sunday, October 2, 2011

Andrew's Birthday!!!

Andrew has been a dear friend of our's for just over a year now and will be one of Damien's groomsmen at our wedding in November.  We met at a fly-fishing forum weekend away at Oord Nebo on the Vaal River and have become close friends since then.  He often comes and spends a night at our place - so much so, that we have dubbed our spare room "Andrew's Room".  We really consider him a part of our family.  With his birthday fast approaching, we decide what better way to celebrate than to go away for a night for some fly-fishing on the Vaal River.  So, we book a chalet for five of us and plan the fun.

The weekend starts with celebrating at his parent's house on the Friday night.  We enjoy a fabulous dinner of beer chicken on the braai around the table with his sisters, their partners and his parents.  After dinner, we bring out the cake that Angi baked for Andrew.  Everyone was stunned - it was a killer cake!  So killer, that one piece would give you an instant headache and probably set you off on your way to diabetes!  No - really though - it was really good and really chocolatey, and he loved it.  We spend the night at Andrew's place and make plans to leave at 6am on the Saturday morning.

Saturday morning we wake up at a time that doesn't really register in Angi's sleeping patterns...ever!  We pack the car and start our journey towards the place that thrills our hearts the most.  Angi catches up on some lost sleep in the back of the bakkie, while Damien and Andrew keep the conversation flowing throughout the journey.  A couple hours later, we arrive at our destination. We unpack all our things into the chalet - in no real "order" - and get kitted up into our fishing stuff as fast as we can, then head off towards the water.

After a good couple hours on the water, we return to our chalet for some lunch and refreshments.  During our break, Dino and Ellina arrive with their gorgeous puppy.  Dino cannot contain his excitement for his first time fishing the Vaal, so we leave soon afterwards for another fishing session.  An all-round successful day with everyone catching a decent-sized yellowfish, and Dino catching his first yellowfish ever! WOOHOO!

A few hours later, we retire from the fishing and warm our hands around a fire while our hearts glow with stories of our afternoon.  The evening is filled with laughter and excitement, a fantastic braai (which some other friends of Andrew's joined us for) and amazing fresh, outdoor air that you just don't find in the city!  We all head off to bed reasonably early and get some rest before our day of fishing on the Sunday.

The boys head out first thing on Sunday for a super early morning fishing session.  Ellina and Angi decide that sleep is the better thing to do at that time of the morning, so they stay behind.  After an interesting fishing session, the boys return - Damien with a broken fishing rod.  Luckily, Andrew had a spare one that Damien could use, so his fishing day wasn't completely over.  We cook up a delicious breakfast of bacon and eggs, clean up a bit and head out for some more fishing.  Unfortunately, the weather did not want to co-operate with us and cut our fishing short.  Anybody who knows anythings about fly-rods will know what a bad idea it is to be out on the water when there is even a hint of lightening!

Damien still managed to fight a fish with a broken fishing rod!

Tired, but happy, we pack up and return to the city.  It's always good to come home.

Some more fishing pics from the weekend...

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